Monday, August 25, 2014

Covenant September 2014 Newsletter Available for Download

September Newsletter

The September 2014 Covenant Newsletter is ready for direct download or pick up at the church.

You will need to have the free Adobe Reader on your computer. If you don't have it, you can get it here.

See you Sunday,


Someone loaned me a biographical novel about one of our brave Navy Seals killed in service for our nation. His story relays that from way back as a child, he was described as fearless; willing to try to do almost anything, regardless of the risk and almost without fear of failure. Wonderful story of triumph over personal weakness, but he remained a believer in His faith to the end, living and dying fearlessly. May be a lesson we could learn here in our lives too.

Each sunrise seems to bring fresh reasons for fear. We hear about slowdowns in the economy, flare-ups in the Middle East, political unrest, downturns in the housing market, and upswings in global warming. “The plague of our day, terrorism, begins with the word "terror." Fear, it seems, has taken up a hundred-year lease on the building next door and set up shop. Oversized and rude, fear herds us into a prison of unlocked doors. Wouldn't it be great to walk out? “What if faith, not fear, was our default reaction to threats? Envision a day, just one day, where you could trust more and fear less.” (Max Lucado)

I believe that the church should have that same swagger and attitude too! Not because we are better than others, not because we have all the right answers, but we do have an amazing Lord who pours out His grace and His power on us, when...when, we act in faith and not in fear. We have been so blessed here at Covenant. Facility improvements and owe so little; God sending us amazing people to work with our youth and our children and music. We have seen a number of younger families make their way to worship with us, and your pastor, I sense God has even greater things in store for us, when we are willing to continue to take great risk for His Kingdom sake.

As your pastor, I pledge to help us continue to find ways to be fearless in our attempt to spread scriptural holiness throughout the land, and to open wide the doors of our church to all those who need a place like Covenant. Church, are you willing to be fearless too? 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Craft Show, October 18,19

We are now accepting applications for the “Pumpkin Patch” Arts and Craft Show.

New Sunday School Class

Have you been wanting to try a Sunday school class, but not sure where to start? Start Fresh! While every one of our current classes would welcome you warmly, if you are not part of a class yet, I invite you to try out our newest class that just started. Jennifer Manuel has graciously stepped up to lead this class, and I am so excited for this new opportunity! We know there are families whose children are in Sunday school and you need a place for your own spiritual development. You might be an individual seeking that place to connect and grow with your Covenant friends and family. Anyone interested in being a part of this new class, please contact me. Again, I am so excited for this development. I think it fills a great and growing need we have, and I pray you consider taking advantage of this opportunity!

Back to School

Luke 2:52 “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.” Can you believe it? The summer is almost gone, especially for those who have children who will be going back to school. Seems like in the dark ages when I attended school, we normally waited for Labor Day, but of course that was long before air conditioned classrooms. And of course I had to walk to school three miles up hill, each way! Or that’s how I remember it. Anyway, it is a great time to get back to school and get back to church and get in a church school class. We have a class for everyone; really we do; because we want all to “grow in wisdom and in stature.” From nursery to children to youth to young adults, young married adults, middle age adults, and even a place for all ages. There is a place for you, and where else can you learn God’s word to tie into the power, the instruction, and develop the discipline of study which will help us grow in wisdom and in stature - the development of a Godly character.

We will also begin our Wednesday Night Dinner and Bible Study again, starting after Labor Day. What a joy to meet with your church family for a great home cooked meal and then be involved in disciple building programs for all ages. Be watching for our plans again to help us grow in wisdom and in stature.

Speaking of school, can I tell you how proud I am of this church? You stepped up to the plate to help our VBS raise funds to help sponsor 5 children in Haiti for a year of school supplies, tuition, and two meals a day. Our Pumpkin Patch will match that and together our generous gifts will allow 10 children to receive an education. Thank You so much!

Be on the lookout, for we will also be collecting school supplies for the Methodist Children’s Home in Sulphur, LA. We will distribute a list for you to use to purchase, but if you can’t wait, here it is: loose leaf paper, composition notebooks, not spiral bound, 2” binders, solid color pocket folders, index cards, colored markers, black or blue pens, or highlighters . These will go a long way allowing the children in the home to receive all the supplies for this coming year as we help these little ones grow in wisdom and in stature. Collection bins will be around our foyers.

Another way we can help school children in our community is by collecting good used school uniforms! Please recycle those uniforms your children have outgrown. Please collect good clean used uniforms and place them in the bin in the coffee area of our sanctuary. These will enable other children to grow in wisdom through the education system.

There it is a word that shows just how many ways there are for us to grow in wisdom and in stature and to help others too! See you in your place of worship this and every week.