Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Mid-Week Reminder

What a great weekend we had! My word of thanks to Doris Adkisson, Mary Frey, and Hazel Rudick for hosting the wonderful reception for Kay Chadick retiring from the District Office after 20 years. So many of you attended. Thank You, Thank You.

Our church council also approved of us going forward firming up the price for the construction of the new building. While it is higher then we had planned, it is still very doable.  We will be having a church conference on February 12th. Stay tune for a separate notice on this.

We have also been blessed, we now have about 55 families and individuals that have made a three year commitment to the Building Fund. Plus many more have made generous gifts. If you have not made your pledge yet, please prayerfully consider joining us in The Master's Plan.

Other debt of gratitude we owe is to the large number of men who turned out to help us trench and hook up electricity for our Flagpole Project. Thanks a bunch! It certainly makes me so proud to be the pastor of such a generous church.

Reminders of the Week:

9:00am - Explorers Bible Study
No Pilates Exercise - Annette Martin has had to retire.....again...thanks for all the wonderful leadership you provided for all these years.
5:30pm - Wednesday Night Supper
6:15 - Holy Communion
6:15 - Children's Ministry and Music
6:30 - Financial Peace University class
6:30 - Death and Dying Class - lead by a local Hospice, The Five Wishes. All are invited to attend.

9:30am - 12 noon - Crochet/Knitting Group in the church library. All are invited and welcome.

Come Dine with Jesus. My message is about the most expensive meal ever!  We will of course, join in Holy Communion.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Valentine Big Night Out

Valentine Big Night Out
by the Methodist Men
(we'll cook for you)

Who's Invited? You and Your Valentine
(this could be a spouse, friend, parent, son or daughter, grandson or grandfather or neighbor) (Adults only please)

When? 6:00pm, Saturday, February 11th, 2012

Place? Covenant Fellowship Hall

Please make your reservation using the forms in Sunday's bulletin. Or, my simply calling the church office at 981-2088.

A free-will offering will be accepted at the door. All profits go to the building fund. Pictures will be taken in the church foyer.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Covenant News - or What You Don't Want to Miss

Dear Covenant Family

Have I told you today that I loved being the Pastor at Covenant? Just a quick update, The Master's Plan: we now have 40 pledges made totalling almost $400,000. Plus, we already have money people have given for the new building program. We will still be able to receive pledges for these second mile giving (over and above what you are now giving to the work of the Lord here at Covenant) for next few Sundays. Thank you for responding so well to our need.

We will be receiving bids this coming Friday, so hopefully by Sunday, we can tell everyone how we are standing as far as awarding a contract. I am both excited and nervous.

But, we will still have church this week.

8:00am - Pilate's Exercise Group with Trainer Annette Martin in the fellowship hall
9:30am - Explorer's Bible Study - an interdenominational Bible Study for Women
5:00pm - Bells Angels - our very own Handbell choir
5:30pm - Wednesday Night Supper
6:15pm - Holy Communion and Prayer -  all invited for this Midweek Moment of Grace
6:30pm - Financial Peace University - Youth Room
6:30pm - Death, Dying & Aging - Fellowship Hall

8:00am - Men's Breakfast, we need some of you staying around and helping us trench an electric line out to the flagpole so we can light our flags. I hope you can arrange to stay.

My message for the Second Part of the Master's Plan is to find the Investment Advice from God.

Can't wait to see you soon. Have I told you how much I love being the Pastor here at Covenant?


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Mid-Week at Covenant

What can be said? The College Football season is over, and really UL and LSU had great seasons but wait 'til next year, yet we are in season now here at Covenant.  Please look over all the opportunities we have to grow spiritually over this new year.

8:00am - Pilate's Exercise Group with Trainer Annette Martin in the fellowship hall
9:30am - Explorer's Bible Study - an interdenominational Bible Study for Women
5:00pm - Bells Angels - our very own Handbell choir
5:30pm - Wednesday Night Supper
6:20pm - Holy Communion and Prayer -  all invited for this Midweek Moment of Grace
6:30pm - Music returns to the Covenant Children's program!  Keith Duhon with guitar in hand a song on his heart will lead the kids in song and prayer. Come for supper, stay for the fun!
6:30pm - Financial Peace University - Youth Room
6:30pm - Death, Dying & Aging - our focus is on the Grieving Process when we lose a loved one

6:30pm - Zumba Exercise Group with Jenny Best

I certainly missed my Covenant Family this past weekend but know that Rev. Byron did a great job.
I will begin a three week focus on The Master's Plan - both for us individually and our church. The Master's Plan is our capital campaign helping us build our Multi Purpose Building. Come hear all about it during our two wonderful Worship Services. You do not want to miss worship.

Another PS from Melissa Bowen - our Children's Ministry Director - If any parent of a Covenant Kid did not get the first edition of our new monthly newsletter, please email children@covenantum.org  Don't miss out on this great resource. Insightful articles and monthly calendar of events included. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Land of Opportunity - 2012

January 2012 is unseen territory and provides opportunities; or at least that is the way I am approaching our future. Instead of anticipating more of the same, and while I struggle with being a realistic pessimist: I am choosing a new attitude for 2012. It is and shall be a blank slate on which the Lord and we can do great things.

We have finally gotten the plans completed and are now securing bids for the phase one of our capital improvements; the construction of our multi-purpose building and office complex. By mid January, we should know what it will cost and then we will vote on the construction and financing. During December and January, we will have the opportunities to hear about our capital campaign, as we seek second-mile giving and pledges toward the expansion. We will also be developing plans for the renovation of our current Sanctuary soon after the construction of a new building. We will also have the opportunity to establish an endowment program for the future maintenance and preservation of our facilities. Look forward to learning how we will grow and expand our facilities with your help during 2012.

In January, we will be birthing additional opportunities for study. During Wednesday night, Ardie Sudduth and I will team-teach a section on Death, Dying, and Issues with Aging. Then in February, I will teach several weeks on “Faith Sharing”, helping us all learn how we can share our Christian beliefs as Jesus asked us to. On Sunday mornings, Les Stratton will begin another Adult Class, and we are hoping some of our younger married couples will gather for study and fellowship. If you are not attending any of our small groups to grow in the knowledge of God's Word, commit to doing so in 2012.

There will be opportunities as we find new and exciting ministries to our community. We have several ways to GET FIT, and will be looking for other opportunities to not only learn about taking care of our Bodies and Souls, but other ways to exercise and take better care of these bodies as the Temple of the Holy Spirit. We have partnered with Lourdes Community Health Foundation to provide material, seminars, and health screening during 2012.

Staffing for the continued ministries in youth and children will provide us other opportunities. With the sudden death of Gretchen Cheshire, we have asked Sherry Hester and Becca Wharton to assume that leadership with our youth, and they are doing great job. We also have experienced the resignation of Kim Goodman from our Children's Ministries, so we will soon be examining our needs and making plans for our future growth. There are opportunities for many more to be involved in these ministries during 2012.

New for 2012, I am being lead to spend a little time in evaluating our church ministry, and will be issuing my own “State of the Union of Covenant Church” letter by the end of January. I believe that as the senior pastor, I need to catch a new vision for where the Lord may be leading this wonderful congregation in 2012 and beyond, and then I can identify how best as your pastor to help. My prayer is that it will be the start of new conversations and new dreams. So here we are, looking towards the new year, and I just can't wait to see what the Lord will do in us, with us, and through us. Pray that we be in tune with Jesus.   

See You at your place of worship,