Thursday, November 11, 2010

Remembering - With My Covenant Family

Thursday November 11th - Veteran's Day
We pause to remember the sacrificial giving of our Veterans and families. Armistice Day, the signing of the peace agreement to end WWI, and how we wish that would have been the end of war in our world. But we walk with one foot in the Kingdom of God and one foot in the Kingdom of the World and Darkness. We thank our men and women who wear our uniforms and take an oath to defend the Constitution of the USA and protect our freedoms. Would you just join me for a time of prayer:
    O Lord God, we know that You will rule the nations in Your time. We thank You for those men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice defending not just our nation but the freedom we so cherish. We ask You to guard our brave men and women in military service today. Give them compassion as they confront our enemies, but Lord protect their lives. Though for a season we must be people of war, let us live for peace, as eager for that peace as we are for victory. Never let us forget that duty to nation, should separate us from loyalty to Your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. So, O Lord, we pray and give You thanks for our nation and for our veterans. Amen!

This Sunday, November 14th - Join your church family for worship as you come make preparations for the Methodist Gathering to feed our communities homeless. Our church is once again furnishing the meat for the feast but we need you to bring casseroles, deserts, veggies, etc. to help us feed around 300. Also prepare for us to bring a gift to be shared with others: Good clean socks for men and women, tooth paste and tooth brushes, and we heard they need disposable razors. Pick some up and drop them in the boxes in our foyer, even on Sunday morning.

Monday, November 15th - Covenant feeds UL Wesley Foundation 

Wednesday, November 17th - Wednesday Night Dinner - Our Thanksgiving meal together - turkey and brisket and dressing: plan now.
After the meal at 6:20pm, we will have a Mid Month Solace Service. Prayer, devotional message, and Holy Communion - one of the highlights of our month.

Saturday, November 20th - Workday - we need many hands on deck to help us build a ramp and steps for our new administrative office building. If you have not heard, we are moving in order to enlarge our children's preschool and mother's day out program by January. We need space, so our administrative offices are going into our temporary space, so we can convert those rooms to school space. Isn't it fun to be a part of a growing place!

Sunday, November 21st - We have the joy of beginning our stewardship focus, leading up to pledge Sundays in December.

Chris Blanchard

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