Today we have a full day of activity here at Covenant
8:00am - Pilate Exercise Group
9:30am - Explorer's Bible Study
5:00pm - HandBell Choir Practice
5:30pm - Come join your church family for our Thanksgiving Wednesday Night Dinner Feast - Turkey, Brisket, Ham and all the trimmings. Then stay around for our evening activities.
6:15pm - Children's Music
6:15pm - Mid-Month Solace Worship Service - our mid-month picker upper. We gather to sing some of the old songs in a new way, we will have prayer time, devotion, and Holy Communion. Come join us for a great service.
8:00am - Breakfast and Workday. We need to build a ramp and stairs into the new temporary office building. Mr. Mason has it all lined out, we just need willing hands. Bring your cordless drills and screw guns. Lunch will also be served.
I will be glad to be back in worship with Covenant. We will begin our focus on our Fall stewardship Campaign. I will be preaching from 2 Corinthians 9:6-15, Giving is Giving Thanks to God. Come gather with your church family as we Give Thanks to the Lord for All HE has blessed us with.
Sunday Afternoon
3:00pm - Trustee meeting
4:00pm - Church Council Meeting - all are invited.
Give Thanks
The song says it best: Give Thanks with a grateful heart, Give thanks to the Holy One. Give thanks because HE's given Jesus Christ, His Son. Give thanks.
- "O Lord, I give thanks to you for such a great church family. They work so hard at serving you through the Pumpkin Patch, St. Jude's, bringing food items for United Christian Outreach, helping be the family for the "homeless" in our community and providing some basic essentials. Always looking out for the needs of others, a church that is willing to take great steps of faith as we watch our Preschool and Mother's Day Out Program GROW, having so many looking forward to our new facility. So, Lord I give thanks to you for the chance to be the pastor of such a loving family. Amen!"
Mission opportunity coming up
Angel Tree - help us help some of our poorest families in the area.
Chris Blanchard
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