Thursday, November 4, 2010

Clocks, Socks, Bikes, Toothbrushes, Votes and things

Here we are midweek already and the rain has been great! It has slowed work down on removing the Pumpkin Patch but good things just go on and on and on! Again a big thanks for all the great volunteers with the Patch. People came to Covenant, enjoyed themselves with good clean safe environment for the children, and helped us raise approximately $45,000 for Mission and Outreach. Praise Be To God!

Clocks - remember our Daylight Savings Times comes to an End on Saturday night.
Fall Back: turn back your clock or you will arrive amazingly early for church, of course for you who struggle to be on time, don't set it back and you can claim any seat in the house.

Socks, Toothbrushes, Toothpaste - On Sunday, November 14th, the area United Methodist Churches come together to provide a THANKSGIVING FEAST FOR THE HOMELESS AND POOR.
In addition to providing food, we are wanting to bless the community with new clean socks, mens and womens, as well as toothbrushes and toothpaste. Bring them this Coming Sunday. There will be a box in the foyer.

Bikes - don't forget this Saturday, November 6th, our St. Jude Bike and Walk-A-Thon will take place. No fee, only a donation. Come help, come walk, come bike, come watch, come enjoy another opportunity our Covenant Family extends the Love of Christ to the hurting in our world.

Attention: Covenant - wear orange one more time - wear your pumpkin patch apparel so we can be identified with the church and the Patch.

Votes - Please join me in praying for our next Congress, House and Senate, as they work together with President Obama to lead our nation into a nation OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, AND FOR THE PEOPLE. May we who won our votes not be disappointed, and may we who lost our votes be pleasantly surprised. We are after all ONE NATION UNDER GOD. May the divisiveness be packed away and may our Leaders remember they serve the people, not the people serve the Leaders.

Last but not least - Join us Sunday for Holy Communion and All Saints Sunday, as we recognize and Thank God for those who have made the journey Homeward. Our preaching focus will be: The Politics of Saints.

You will have the opportunity to make a contribution to the Pastor's Discretionary Fund during Communion.

See you Sunday,
Chris Blanchard

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