Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Mid Week Reminders - October 31, 2012

It was a sad sad day today, as the last school bus pulled out of our parking lot, meaning the Pumpkin Patch Field Trips ended today. So many of our volunteers just won't know what to do with themselves now for the next 11 months.

Seriously, big thanks to all of you who helped greet, lead, tour, feed, entertain, read to, load pumpkins for, and all in all, welcome all those little ones and their parents and teachers, to Covenant United Methodist's Pumpkin Patch.

Way too many volunteers to name, but the mason's have once again hit a home run. Over the next few days, we will need some hands to help turn the patch back into the front lot.

This Sunday I want to recognize all the hands who have helped in this years patch. I know we will not be surprised to see how many people it took to make this another great year.

Wednesday Schedule
9:30 - Explorers Bible Study
5:30 - Dinner - Pork Loin
6:20 - Holy Communion and Solace Service - we will spend our time together praying for our nation, prior to the election next Tuesday.

8:30am - Men Bull Session

St. Jude’s Bike and Walk and Cook a thon - come by and help us support the kids at St. Jude’s.

last day of the St. Jude's Silent Auction

Sunday Services
All Saint's Sunday - we will honor those of our congregation that have passed on this last year, reading their name, lifting them up in prayer, and tolling a bell in their memory.

Sunday afternoon
4:00pm - Church Council meets - all invited.


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