Monday, September 24, 2012

Thank You, Thank You!!

The Pumpkins are here! And while I sat I watched, I was tired just from seeing so many people working so hard to transfer our front yard into the Covenant Pumpkin Patch. Two trucks in one day, that is tremendous. Thank You Thank You!

We still Need:
Someone to  Read Stories to the children on field trips on Wednesdays and Mondays. Only qualification is sitting in a rocking chair and reading at a third grade level.
Call the office to volunteer - 981-2088.

Don't Forget, dinner at 5:30 - Pork Loin, Baked Chicken
Holy Communion at 6:15
Bible Studys at 6:30 - Old Testament, Young Married, Daniel...

40 Days of Prayer For Our Nation
September 27- November 5th

If you have a book, either pass it on to your neighbors and you can follow along with the prescribed reading by going to our websight -

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