Saturday, July 28, 2012

Don't Forget...

This is our Fifth Sunday of the Month, which means several things:

Worship - O For a Thousand Tongues, we will have lots of singing for this Fifth Sunday and my message is on the power of praise.

Service -  why not bring a few extra items for the UCO Food Pantry? I know this is not the First Sunday of the Month but since we are gathering to eat, why not remember others?

Food - Don't forget, Fifth Sunday Potluck. The church is providing meat - brisket, sausage, ribs, slaw and some baked beans; and you bring all the rest. Please make plans to stay and eat with your church family. Serving will begin after Sunday School, and will continue after our 11:00am service.

Weather permitting, a softball game following.

We made some progress on the building: plumbing and electrical completed for in the slab work but them boy did it rain yesterday afternoon.

It is in God's Timing but I continue to be amazed at your faithfulness in providing funding. Thank You!


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