Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Sun is Setting on the Patch - and other News from Covenant

Dear Covenant Family -
with both sadness and relief, the Patch is almost over for 2010. We still have several days of Field Trips, each morning through Friday, and then we have two weekend days left. No big events planned, just hanging out and meeting folks who come on the property. Why not come out and see how much fun there is during the weekends?

Last Weekend was the GIGANTIC CRAFT SALE. Thanks to Myra Duhon and all her helpers who pulled off a BIG TIME EVENT.

This Saturday, Butch Lewis, Barry Hester, and I will be cooking up all the dogs and burgers we can. The proceeds will be split between the Christmas Angel Tree Project and the Pastor's Discretionary Fund. But we will also be cooking up for our Sunday Potluck.

This Sunday's Goings On! Wear ORANGE as we celebrate the end of the Patch and the Fifth Sunday, where we know the rule for all Good Methodist is to eat together. Our services, both indoor this week, will feature lots of music. Old Hymn Singing and Children Playing at 9:00am and 11:00am will feature lots of singing the new songs of praise. And in case you have not heard: No Sermon. (I can hear the AMENS and ALLELUIAS going up to heaven for that)

Following the Sunday School hour, we will begin serving the potluck dinner - bring a side dish, and the church will provide the drinks and meat.

Blood Drive is also this Sunday: 10:30am - 1:00pm.

Then, to close out our Patch - Trunk or Treat in our Parking Lot from 5:00-7:00pm. Prizes for Best Trunk and Best Children's Costume will be awarded.

Also this week:

8:00am - Pilatees Exercise Class
9:30am - Explorers Bible Study
5:00pm - Handbells
5:30pm - Meal with your church family (chicken fried steak or baked chicken)
6:15pm - Children's Music (come be a part of the Christmas Pageant)
6:15pm - Dr. Rich Sudduth will present a program on Genesis and Creation (check our website for more).

JUST FOUND OUT - The Timm's will NOT be here on tomorrow night. So I'm asking for two or three volunteers to help with the cooking and cleaning. If you can, please email me and let me know.

Chris Blanchard

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