Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Midweek Reminders from Covenant - October 5, 2010

What a beautiful Fall Day! Praise God for all our Blessings! Great Weather for hosting our Pumpkin Patch, so many willing people to share in the ministry of the Patch, and smiling expectant faces of the children who step onto our property eagerly awaiting the Patch Experience.

If you have not signed up to help with either our Monday-Friday Field trips, or "manning" the sales trailers in the afternoon, or working on our busy Saturday and Sunday times, please sign up soon.

8:00am - Pilates Exercise Group
9:30am - Explorers Bible Study Group
5:00pm - Handbell Choir Rehearsal
5:30pm - Share a meal with your Church Family (chicken)
6:15pm - Children's Music Ministry
6:15pm - Purpose Driven Life Discussion on Discipleship - Youth Room

8:30am - The Men's Bull Session
12 Noon - as the last field trip pulls off, we will have another full load of pumpkins to unload and restock our Pumpkin Patch. We need as many willing hands as possible.

Family Fund Day - come help us and watch as we try something new - a few more games and fun jumps for our younger children - our Preschool and Mother's Day Out staff - cooking Jambalaya and sandwiches for lunch.

Certainly not least of all, we gather for Worship. Join your church family as we celebrate all God has done for us. I will be focusing on Purpose Driven Life - Created to Be servants.
Then Sunday afternoon, we gather outside and greet our guest as they come to the Pumpkin Patch.

Other Upcoming Events
October 16 - Family Adventure Day coming to the Patch. Contact Roxan Godeau 988-0199 to help with this event.
October 23 - Second Annual Covenant Craft Sale Day at the Patch
October 24 - our 11:am service will be outside (weather permitting) hoping some of our vendors and neighbors will join us for worship before we open our patch for the second day of the Craft Sale
October 31 - Fifth Sunday Potluck as we celebrate the end of the Patch - watch for details later - Blood Drive at the church 10:30am until 1:00pm.

Chris Blanchard

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