Monday, June 3, 2013

Occupy the Church!

If we remember some of the events of the last year, we saw protests around the nation expressing the unrest with the economy and political systems inability to answer all the “needs” of the people, so we saw “Occupy Wall Street”, “Occupy San Francisco”, etal. That's not what I am talking about now.....nope; just this past week we were given the verbal okay for Covenant family to occupy our new multipurpose facility. At last, Thank God at last, our building program is almost over.....we still have odds and ends to tie together before we have our first function, but we are so happy. Cannot thank you enough for all your support and prayers and generous giving. At our June 23rd Council meeting, we should be able to take action on just how much our debt will be and how much funds we will keep in reserve. Occupy the building! Yeaaaa!

But, that's not really why we built it. Oh, yes, we will have covered dish dinners there, we will have our worship services for our Praise and Worship Service, we will have VBS programs there, we will have Pumpkin Patch field trips there, we will have recreation ther...we will be happy to occupy the space, but the church is not measured by how well we occupy the space but how well we represent Christ to the world. So once again, our facility is only to help us go out and share the gospel, to invite people to join us in our journey, and to make a difference in our world. Occupy yes, but sit and squat and not be moved, never!

On the same subject, we do wish to name our new facility. As I said, I would probably call it the “new” building, until we build another new building. But there are some who believe this new building deserves a name. Larry Tylock and a few others will serve to narrow the choices down, and then it will be presented to the Council for a vote. This is your building, and I hope you will prayerfully consider making a suggestion. We will leave the nomination open through the month of June. Find the box in the church foyer and make your nomination known.

Finally, I write this at the first evening of Annual Conference. Unless I hear anything to the contrary, it is my pleasure to announce to you that both Rev. Byron Aucoin and I will be returning to Covenant as our appointment for the 2013-2014 year. We could not be more pleased, and know that we have the majority of your love and support. We thank you for that and look forward to all God will continue to do in our midst.

See you in your place of worship real soon....I hope you will worship every chance you have this summer. My sermon series for the summer is: “Summer School, Wisdom from the Proverbs”.

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