Friday, March 29, 2013

What is So Good about Good Friday?

This week I was reminded that we don't always understand what we say- the youth group was having a discussion, and asked, "Why is Good Friday called good?" It does seem strange to call that day good, when we know Jesus was crucified.

Many believe the name evolved. The earliest designation seemed to be "God's Friday". And just as God be with you evolved into "goodbye", so it did with Good Friday. Of course we know the church has always emphasized the sadness, the mourning, the fasting, and we drape our crosses in black as we follow Jesus on the Way to the Cross.

Yet, Good Friday is good. It is a Godly sorrow that should stand to remind us that our human sin, not the Jewish Leaders caused the death of Christ.We need to remember that the pursuit of our happiness in the temporary thrills of life, are most often those areas of life that grieve God the most.  Yet, in spite of our sin, God's Love was shown as Jesus went to the Cross in order that our Sin might be crucified, and with Him be resurrected to Life Abundantly and Life Eternally with Jesus on Resurrection Morning.

I would ask that each of us today use this time to Pray for God to reveal what in each of us needs to die, and what we can truly celebrate that only one was good enough to save us. That certainly makes Good Friday Good for Us.

See you and your family on Easter Morning.
  7:00am - Sunrise  
  9:00am - Choir and Handbells
11:00am - Redeemed in Praise and Worship

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