Monday, February 25, 2013

March Newsletter Ready for Download

March Newsletter

The March 2013 Covenant Newsletter is ready to download and pick up.

1. You can pick up a paper copy in the church narthex the next time you are at church.
2. You can download it directly from our website – Just look for the "Downloads" section in the right hand column of the first page and click on "Current Newsletter". It looks like this:

You will need to have the free Adobe Reader on your computer. If you don't have it, you can get it here.

See you Sunday,

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Pardon Our Progress

Due to LUS having to turn our electricity off in order to bury some cable, the church office will be open but no email and no phone. Just call me on my cell 591-0580. Friday we should be up and running again.

Happy Valentine Day - C U at the Place of True Love this coming Sunday.
I'll be starting a newSermon Series on God's Amazing Grace - Connecting the Dots - our need, God's Offer.

And finally, MEN - Join Us at Our Men's Breakfast Workshop. As we eat, fellowship, and knock out a few items on our Honey Do List. Saturday morning 8:00am.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Season of Lent Begins Today

Mardi Gras is over, and now our preparation for Easter can Begin. We prepare ourselves spiritually and mentally and physically. Many of us give up some pleasure or food that brings pleasure, as a way of denying self and using the time to focus on Jesus. But we do that spiritually as well. Lent is about course correction, our need to turn back to the Ways and Principles of Christ. This begins with our Ash Wednesday Service, a time of prayer, and devotion and singing, and Holy Communion. proceeded by our dinner is at 5:30 - Chicken and Tuna Salad. The services is 6:30 in the Sanctuary.

Saturday, 8:00am - Men's Breakfast: good food, great fellowship, and a time to Serve our church by doing a few items on our To Do List.

Sunday morning - Lent is a time to renew our Commitment to Worship Our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Sermon Focus turns to Grace. Connecting The Dots of Grace, we sing about it, talk about, but most of us leave most of the God packaged Grace unopened. Come expecting to see that Gift unwrapped! I will be preaching on Grace during Lent.

Sunday, 4:00pm - Church Council Meeting.

Wednesday Night Study will be focusing on World Religions more in detail than I was able to cover during the Sermons. Starting next Wednesday Feb. 20th.

Prayer for the day: 
Dear Lord, on this first day of Lent, we come in repentance and sorrow for all our offenses against You and others. As we dare to worship You, we seek Your forgiveness that our sins may be removed and our spirits made clean and whole. Purify us, and enable us to walk in joy and gladness once again. All of this we ask in the name of the One who came to deliver us from sin and death. Amen.
