The Sun is Just Around the Corner....
Dear Covenant Family -
To paraphrase the Apostle Peter, I consider the misery of these long rainy dreary days to be pale in comparison with the Joy Filled Days of The Sunny Days of the Son, to Come.
Okay, so much for armchair platitudes. While it is rainy and cold and our front yards are afloat and some in our area have water in their homes, it does not stop the work of the church. Our preschool is open and children are running around. We had a full room of Zumba folks last evening and tonight- Tuesday our I TECH class will be having their second meeting at 6:00pm
9:30am - Explorer's Bible Study
5:00pm - Hand Bells at 5PM
5:30pm - Wednesday Night Dinner - Soup, Salad, and Great Fellowship
6:15pm - Prayer and Communion
6:15pm - Children's Mid Week Program
6:30pm - Young Married
6:30pm - Grace: is the voice that calls us to change and then gives us the power to pull it off? Join the preachers as we lead this new study.
8:00am - Men's Saturday Work Day and Breakfast. All men invited.
Another great day of Worship, Study, Youth and Children's Ministry.