Tuesday, June 5, 2012

From the Associate Pastor

My favorite gospel quartet group is the Hinsons. In the early 80’s they recorded a song that is my favorite gospel song called “Look to Him.” I love the second verse.
Now I know that questions can, Lord,
they can seem so hard to understand,
But then I know someone who knows it all 
His eyes see even that little sparrow fall 
Yet He can hold back the sea with just one hand 
He's so big He rides on the wind that blows
Yet in your heart the only one that knows 

the heartache and all the trouble you're in
When life seems everything but good 

Remember Him cause He's the only one that could, 
If you'd only dare Look to Him.
Do you dare? Do you dare to look to Him when the storms in your life seem overwhelming? He is the only one that can calm the troubled seas in your life. Only dare to ”Look to Him.” Go to YouTube.com and listen to the whole song, it will bless you.

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