Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tuesday Morning

Don't Forget Our Opportunities For Service and Study

Wednesday Schedule:
9:30am - Explorers Bible Study
5:00pm - Hand Bell Choir
5:30pm - Wednesday Night Dinner
6:15pm - Children's Ministry Program
6:30pm - Studies - Financial Peace University, The Lord's Prayer as a Path of Discipleship - Hallowed Be Thy Name

Last opportunity to turn in your Kairos Kookies. Susie and the other women say thanks for you help in this powerful ministry. You can turn them in on Wednesday, bring them at meal time and stay to eat and then to study.

Saturday, April 21st:
The LA Skeeter Run - join other folks at Asbury as we walk and run and help raise funds to prevent the dreaded disease of Malaria. If you can help sit out on the course and direct traffic. Please volunteer by calling Christy Chadick 337 654-9950. I am helping out by cooking, so don't look for me running. I am way too fast to be seen.

Sunday, April 22nd:
Two great power packed Worship Services. The series of God's direction for Life continues with the 6 most important words to know and to say.

You will also be in a treat; at 9:00am - our Bells Angels will ring the prelude, and then during both the 9:00am and 11:00am, our children and youth will be singing. You don't want to miss.

Then at the end of each service we will call up our Kairos Team and consecrate them for their next weekend in LCIW in St. Gabriel.

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