Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Mid-Week Reminder

What a great weekend we had! My word of thanks to Doris Adkisson, Mary Frey, and Hazel Rudick for hosting the wonderful reception for Kay Chadick retiring from the District Office after 20 years. So many of you attended. Thank You, Thank You.

Our church council also approved of us going forward firming up the price for the construction of the new building. While it is higher then we had planned, it is still very doable.  We will be having a church conference on February 12th. Stay tune for a separate notice on this.

We have also been blessed, we now have about 55 families and individuals that have made a three year commitment to the Building Fund. Plus many more have made generous gifts. If you have not made your pledge yet, please prayerfully consider joining us in The Master's Plan.

Other debt of gratitude we owe is to the large number of men who turned out to help us trench and hook up electricity for our Flagpole Project. Thanks a bunch! It certainly makes me so proud to be the pastor of such a generous church.

Reminders of the Week:

9:00am - Explorers Bible Study
No Pilates Exercise - Annette Martin has had to retire.....again...thanks for all the wonderful leadership you provided for all these years.
5:30pm - Wednesday Night Supper
6:15 - Holy Communion
6:15 - Children's Ministry and Music
6:30 - Financial Peace University class
6:30 - Death and Dying Class - lead by a local Hospice, The Five Wishes. All are invited to attend.

9:30am - 12 noon - Crochet/Knitting Group in the church library. All are invited and welcome.

Come Dine with Jesus. My message is about the most expensive meal ever!  We will of course, join in Holy Communion.


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