Tuesday, December 27, 2011

New Year Events

"O God, Our help in ages past, our hope for years to come." I can't say it any better than Isaac Watts, but here we stand ready to jump into a Brand New Year with Brand New Opportunities, knowing that the Lord has seen us through, and will walk with us through the future.

Get Fit for 2012
While this week between Christmas and New Years is kind of slow, still be thinking ahead.

This Thursday Evening our Zumba class will be meeting and once again on Monday January 2. What a way to end the year and start a new one, but being committed to getting active.

Weight Wise and Pilates will resume next week as well.

Start 2012 with the Lord in His Worship
This Coming Sunday,  January 1, 2012, we are back on our regular schedule with the First Worship Services of the year. We will participate in a time of Renewing Our Covenant with the LORD and with His Church. In my message we will look back at the history of Covenant, as we prepare to look forward to our building program. There is so much good news to report over the next few weeks.

Start 2012 with Study
Wednesday January 4th, our Wednesday Night Dinners will resume along with our Academy.
Class #1 - Financial Peace University, a 13 week class helping set priorities in your stewardship of God's resources, if you have not yet registered online, call the church office and Rev. Byron to get the information needed.
Class #2 - Dr. Ardith Sudduth and I will teach during January sessions on death, dying, aging issues, etc. Each week stands alone, but come hear about our spiritual understanding of the circle of life.

Starting 2012 by Serving  
Finally, but certainly not least, beginning in the New Year, Melissa Bowen will be helping me with our Children's Ministry. The Lord has convicted her of our need for serving as the Director of Children's Ministries for our church. She brings to this position, a love of the Lord, a love of the church, and her many gifts for planning, organizing, and serving. She has agreed to do this for a while, giving us the opportunity to take our time in seeking someone else.

The Children's Ministry is looking for a few good men, and women!  If you feel a calling to work with the future of Church of the Covenant, please contact Melissa Bowen to discover the ways you can make a Christian difference.  Melis811@aol.com or 254.1505.  Thank you!


"O God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come,
be thou our guide while life shall last, and our eternal home."  
O Lord, we know this has been a year that challenged many of us in many ways, with pain, doubt, anguish, and loss, but we have held on just because at times, that is the only thing we could do. So Lord, we pray for new life, new beginnings, healing for our pains, strength to go forward, as we pray in this new year, we may move from fear into hope as we eagerly await to discover the many blessings, both great and small that lie ahead of us. Amen!

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