Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Covenant Family Update or You Don't Want to Miss...

I hope you had a great Labor Day break - but now we are back in the normal routine for Fall.

Wednesday begins with exercise with Annette and Pilates class at 8:00am in our Fellowship Hall followed by a morning mid-week Bible Study - long term with the explorers Bible Study just now getting started. Come on out and see if this is for you.

Wednesday Night Schedule 
Come On Ring Those Bells - our Handbell Choir is beginning rehearsals on Wednesday evening at 5:00pm, time enough to eat afterwards, anyway, no experience is necessary. Why not come out and see if this is one way You can serve Your Lord and Our Church by helping lead in Handbell music.

Great home cooked meal by the Timm's and Verna. We'll begin eating around 5:30pm. Always room for you.

Our Wednesday Night Academy begin
6:20pm - we have a short prayer and Holy Communion Service
6:30pm - Married Happily Ever After? - Enrollment is closed, but if you signed up this will be the first meeting.
6:30pm - Intro to Revelation - Brother Chris will begin a short six week study looking at this Book of the Bible that is often ignored.

We did have another option available, but our Get Fit Class lead by Joe Tidwell can not begin until the next wednesday. We will have several options available about exercise, cooking, physical therapy. etc for you to come and drop in and learn more about getting fit. This Wednesday schedule will supplement our new FUEL Class that will begin the next Tuesday evening at 5:30pm.

Don't Forget this Sunday 9/11, we will have a special service of Remembrance. I will be speaking about What Is It We Build Our Lives on - Sand or The Rock.

Sunday morning at our 9:00am service we will be dedicating our Music Ministry Teams. Be present to pray for those volunteers who help lead us in music during our Worship Services.


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