Upon returning from Annual Conference, you would hope I would have gleaned something worth sharing with my church family after four days; four wonderful, long, often boring days sitting and conferencing. We did have an excellent Bible teacher from Coral Gable Florida that convicted me. Jorge Acevedo was assigned to a dying United Methodist Church about thirteen years ago, and they now worship over 2600 people per week, and have spread to three campuses. You can imagine I listened intently to the how and why of that type of growth.
Us preacher types are always searching for the latest program or latest gimmick that will help our congregation have such tremendous growth. Is it the style of music? Is it the style of preaching? Is it the time of the services? Cer- tainly all those factors make a difference, but he reminded us of an age old principle as old as Christianity. It is this: dying congregations have forgotten the command from Jesus to go fishing is a life or death matter. That's it...fishing, fishing for other followers!
Pretty simple, right? But it is true! This guest pastor shared what is apparent and scriptural but way too many of us ignore it. We don't act like fishing evangelists but more like church mice - not making much noise as we slip in and out of church, hoping we are unnoticed. Over 85% of mainline churches have quit fishing. Year after year, they are bringing no new followers into the Kingdom of God. We have begun to believe that making disciples is optional. In other words, our fishing has become recreational and not for a career.
Fishing is a life and death situation. If we depended on catching fish to eat, we could see how that would be life or death. Fishing for other followers by each of us believers is a life or death matter: Life or death to our local congregation, Life or death for our own particular denomination, Life or death for the individual Christian, and life or death for the unchurched unbelievers all around us.
Covenant is better than most, but we could be much better. Can you imagine what could happen to our own spirituality if we were committed to fishing for disciples? Can you imagine what could happen to our own local church, if we were committed to fishing for disciples? Can you imagine what could happen to the life of those we might encourage to come and try out Jesus? Time to go fishing!
One last thought! I recently introduced a new awareness of how our physical is connected to our spiritual, “The Body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit”. God has convicted me of our need to provide the best maintenance available for our Temple. Our chief aim as a follower is to Glorify God with all we do and all we are. Jesus died on the cross for us, and as the prophet Isaiah said: “by His stripes we are healed.” I believe our souls are healed for eternity, our spirits are healed from our anxiety, and our body is healed for kingdom living today. I ask you to pray how you might demonstrate your willingness to become healthier in all aspects of our life and then our willingness to go fishing for other disciples.
See you each and every week in service to Him!
Rev. Chris Blanchard
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