Friday, May 20, 2011

How Could I Have Forgotten ThIs - What About the Last Day Message Sweeping USA? - Saturday May 21st

In Memphis, I saw the billboard at least five times, May 21st Judgement Day. Another person predicting the coming of Jesus and the end of the world. I wonder if the billboard company required cash payment for the billboards, or if they were willing to bill the person later. As you can tell,  I forgot all about it and even scheduled Men's Breakfast on Saturday and church on May 22nd. But an article I read this morning says it just right. I have included it right here for your reading.
Judgment Day on May 21? Let's talk it over -- on May 22!
Dr. Jerry Newcombe - Guest Columnist - 5/20/2011 7:50am

Oh brother, here we go again.

Another false prophet -- dare I say that? -- is predicting exactly when Christ is coming again, even though Jesus Himself said that no man knows the hour of His return, including Himself.

From the early days of the Church to the present day, hundreds of millions of Christians have affirmed, "Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again."

But now a group is trying to fear people into thinking they know when Jesus is coming. May 21, 2011, is the day, supposedly, of Christ's "secret" rapture. (Doesn't sound too secret to me.)

The latest prophets of doom have managed to get their message out in a series of billboards and bus ads. In my humble opinion: What a waste of money and what a mockery they make of people's faith. (If the message said simply "Judgment Day is coming -- get ready to meet your Maker," then I would whole-heartedly endorse that message. It's the specific date that's the problem.)

Do I think Judgment Day is coming on May 21? Well, let's talk it over on May 22.

In addition, October 21, 2011, according to these people, is the End of the World.

Who are "these people"?

The main leader is Harold Camping, who has a network of Christian radio stations. You would think he would be gun shy about setting a date for Christ's return.

He wrote a book about it, predicting that 1994 would be the year. I own a copy of his book explaining the details. It's called 1994.

Another man predicted that Jesus would return in 1988, and he listed 88 reasons for it.

But you can always tell that such predictions are wrong. Why? Because they are specific. The fact that they're setting a date in the first place violates what Jesus said.

In Matthew's Gospel, He said about His return: "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man" (24:36-37).

I'm tempted to say to these people who give a specific date -- like May 21, 2011 -- What part of "no" as in "no man knows the hour" don't you understand?

I even read one such prophet who essentially said -- with a straight face: Christ didn't tell us the day or the hour of His return, but that doesn't mean we can't know the year, the month, or the week!

It's tragic to me that the watching world looks at such predictions that come and go and just laugh, justifiably so, at those who think Christ will return one day.

I am as sure of the return of Jesus Christ to planet earth some day, as I am that the sun will rise tomorrow.

But I have no idea when, nor will I engage in speculation based on "jigsaw theology."

Jigsaw theology is when you cobble a Bible verse over here with a Bible verse over there to create some sort of timeline for the Second Coming.

The group that has made the May 21, 2011, prediction says this: "The Bible has opened up its secrets concerning the timeline of history. This information was never previously known because God had closed up His Word blocking any attempt to gain knowledge of the end of the world."

But now they know, supposedly.

A friend of mine noted this is like modern day Gnosticism.

The Gnostics were an early Church heresy that got the basics of the faith wrong. They claimed that the way of salvation was not Christ crucified, for sinners died and raised from the dead, but rather some sort of secret knowledge.

People have been wrong often throughout Church history as to the return of Christ.

Many were convinced that Jesus would come in A.D. 1000, so they sold everything and went to Jerusalem and waited. And waited.

Others sold everything they had and waited for Christ to return in America in the 1840s. And waited. The Seventh Day Adventist denomination was born out of that experience.

When Hitler was alive, some people thought he was the Anti-Christ. Can you blame them?

Through the ages, even otherwise-wise servants of Christ have made the mistake of predicting a specific date of the end of the world. Included in this category are Christopher Columbus, Sir Isaac Newton, and Cotton Mather.

Why do we keep repeating this same mistake? I'm reminded of the little poem by British poet Steve Turner: "History repeats itself. It has to. No one is listening."

I couldn't have said it better myself, so I'll see you Sunday, either in church or in heaven, it doesn't really matter to me. But I certainly believe God has lots more in store for you and for me and for Covenant. We are "Growing the Covenant for today and for tomorrow."

Chris Blanchard

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