Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Body News - March 1, 2011

No, this is not your latest physical fitness tips from the pastor! But it is the fitness report of Covenant. We ended 2010 with the best financial year ever! We ended 2010 with increases in membership and in worship attendance and in our Sunday School attendance. We ended 2010 with growing classrooms in our Covenant Preschool and Mother’s Day Out. We ended 2010 looking forward to 2011 and beyond as we look at both our facility needs and our missional needs.

Body Facility News: Mike DeHart has been working diligently leading us from praying and discussing and looking at designs and tweaking them over and over again. I hope by the time the newsletter arrives, we will have our final schematic design that will provide us with a great multipurpose room to be used to eat, to meet, to worship, and to play. We are also tweaking the administrative office spaces we need now and for the future. I believe we are doing this guided by the Holy Spirit, so we can have a beautiful, functional, and economic building. Small financial gifts have been coming in, but we have yet to really begin talking about our capital campaign. Should anyone just really want to bless this effort with a sizable gift, go ahead and make my day!

Body Missional News: Gene Blevins and the Church Council have begun the conversation about where God is leading us as we do the very best we can at making Disciples for Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the world. Yes, we are doing good. Our worship average of 334 per week, places us somewhere around the top 20 United Methodist churches in Louisiana. But God isn’t finished with us yet, as HE has plenty of work for us to do. If you are being lead by God to see Covenant increase our outreach, please share it with me...go ahead and make my day!

Body Spiritual news: Here we are almost in Lent and we are geared up for a great time of preparation as we head towards Resurrection Sunday on Easter. I have already begun a Lenten emphasis with my sermon series: THE GREAT I AM. Each week we will examine one of the I AM statements in John’s gospel, where Jesus reveals a snapshot of the character of His Father and how HE reaches out to humanity. Ash Wednesday is March 9th, and as an inside article mentions, we will officially begin the Lenten time with a special service. Then each Wednesday during lent, March 16th - April 13th, our Study “Bread & Broth” where we look at some of the Old Testament saints and see how food is entwined in our lives. Yes...we will have different broths available during the study. There will be great music during our Lenten and Easter time. (See inside article) We will have a Holy Week Wednesday Communion Service on April 20th at 6:00pm and on Easter Sunday April 24th, we will have an early sunrise service at 7am followed by our two morning worship services at 9:00 or 11:00. Invite your family and friends to join us as we Worship the Risen Lord.

That’s it from the family of Covenant, where all the men are handsome and strong, all the women are kind and good looking, and all the children are above average and have great potential. That’s the way I see it from my place each Sunday.

See you in your place of worship! (And find a Sunday School Class to attend)
Rev. Chris Blanchard

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