Saturday, January 29, 2011

Covenant Music Report - January 29, 2011

OK, now that everyone has taken down their Christmas decorations or at least converted them to Mardi Gras, let's talk about Easter. What? I must be MAD, you say? Well, that's beside the point.

We are already starting our planning for Lent and Easter. A few details I can share with you is that we will be having at least TWO special musical presentations this year. The Chancel Choir will be presenting a full cantata with narration and other goodies. Also, for the first time, our praise band, Redeemed, will be presenting their own full program of all new music and more. We've already begun. And in the months to come we will hopefully be making some more special announcements. Keep an eye on this newsletter.

But between now and then, we'll be having children's music, handbells and other instruments as we mix up our ensembles to lift praise to our Lord. We hope you will bring a friend and neighbor to Covenant this spring. You'll be glad you did.

In Christ,

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