Monday, December 13, 2010

It's Beginning to SOUND A Lot Like Christmas

What another great Sunday yesterday at Covenant. The Chancel Choir under the direction of Ken Cheshire along with Jennifer Tassin on the piano, and Strand Martin as narrator did an outstanding job with the annual Christmas music. If you missed it, one of my favorite songs will be repeated this coming Sunday. Thank you all the folks who helped make this a success - including all the sound technicians etc. The 371 people in worship were truly blessed.

Don't forget our Wednesday schedule
8:00am - Pilatees
9:30am - Explorers Bible Study
5:00pm - Handbells
5:30pm - Wednesday meal
6:15pm - Children's Music
6:15pm - Holy Communion and Advent Study

8:00am - Men's Breakfast: devotion and a small work project cutting some branches out of some of our trees

Sunday - Poinsettias will add to our worship
9:00am - Traditional Worship with Handbells and a Baptism
11:00pm - Contemporary Worship with our praise band, Redeemed
And in between our services, at 10:15am, the children will be presenting their Christmas Pageant. Come early to get the good seats.

Last but not least, we have misplaced our small manger. It was taken out of the attic for our children's performance but now has disappeared. If anyone is holding it for ransom, will pay gladly.

Chris Blanchard

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