Friday, August 27, 2010

Covenant Early Learning Center Update

Summer is over and our new year has begun! Summer whizzed by us real fast with a total of 145 children. Yes, we all stayed busy and the highlight of the summer was the “Fun Jumps”. The children enjoyed them immensely. Our new year has begun with a total of 150 children enrolled. Teachers and students are very excited and enthusiastic and we are all looking forward to a wonderful year together.

We welcome to our staff this year four new employees: Dana Hebert - Younger 2’s Teacher; Trisha Haley - Toddler Assistant; Mona McRae-Assistant to 2’s; Kendra Domingue - Assistant for Nursery. We are pleased to welcome these four dedicated ladies to our staff as part of the Covenant Family.

Parents and teachers alike are very thankful for this ministry of the church. We are striving to present these children with a solid foundation on which to build their lives and it’s because of you that we are able to do so. Please keep the staff, parents and children of YOUR preschool in your prayers.

Grace and Peace,
Kim Havard

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